Fractions Leadership Game | Unleashing Personal Potential




  • Divide your class into four or five teams (4-6 students per group).

  • Watch the the brain stretcher video below and listen to the problem presented.

  • All groups are given an agreed time to brainstorm and come up with appropriate solutions.

  • All groups are given an agreed time to present responses to the class.

  • The answer to the problem is not what it is, but rather "what it could be".

  • You are judged on creativity, team work, humour and the appropriateness of your response (avoid silly, racist, or sexist responses).


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this brain stretcher is to foster creativity, communication and thinking skills. It is also designed to enhance relationships and positive classroom environments for all students.



The concept of "brain stretchers" has been derived from Tournament of the Minds- check out the website here: We hope to bring this idea to large numbers of classrooms around Australia and New Zealand through this new format. Enjoy, and feel free to share with any educator who you think might enjoy them.


For more activities like this (and much more), check out THRIVE Online Lesson Modules for Pastoral Care and Wellbeing.



Unleashing Personal Potential

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