James Anderson, a friend and much respected colleague of mine has been ahead of the curve when it comes to applying growth mindset in school settings. He has recently written the below article explaining where schools often get it wrong, as well as how we might help teachers "nudge" their students in a more growth oriented direction through positive "mindset movers". I thought you might find value in it too.
Has the tide turned on Growth Mindsets?
Most school-based Growth Mindset interventions don’t work!
As schools struggle to find Growth Mindset interventions that work, a growing tide of criticism has forced psychologist Carol Dweck to defend her theories.
I’ve been warning that the tide will turn on Growth Mindsets for many years. And it’s not because Mindsets aren’t important. They are. It’s because most of our interventions have taken the wrong approach, leaving schools disillusioned and dissatisfied with Growth Mindsets.
Read the full article here at the Mindful by Design website >>
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