A year for simplicity!

Setting an intention
Each year, I like to consider a major theme, focus or intention for my life. I find it helps me to be clear on how I want to live and work. It gives me a mental criteria for what I prioritise and what I do not.

Setting a theme, intention or focus can act as a compass in our lives- keeping us facing the right direction most of the time. Once we have set an intention, we can also consider some actions that might bring that intention to life. We might consider situations that are likely to come our way that may challenge that intentionality and create a plan for how we might respond.

My intention for 2020
For me, this year is all about simplicity. I would like to keep things simple at work and home.

Actions that bring that intention to life...
At work, it means streamlining our systems and processes; seeking clarity in conversations to ensure outcomes are clear; checking emails only twice per day; and a significant focus on training and developing our team members.
At home, it means being present to the people that matter most to me and ensuring that I keep my boundaries between work and home. This will allow me to make sure my mind remains with my body.

What is your intention for the year?
Before the students come back to your school and things really fire up, it might be worth considering a theme or intention for the year that might be your compass.

If you think it would be helpful to you, write it down, along with a few actions that describe how that might look in your life.

In any case, I hope that 2020 is your best year yet!

Can we help?

If we can be of any assistance to you and your school through our Wellbeing and Leadership Workshops (for students from year 5 - year 12), please reach out anytime. We have also made some significant improvements to our online wellbeing lessons and practices for Secondary schools, which you may like to check out below.

Luke McKenna
Unleashing Personal Potential

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