Over the years, we have come across some wonderful educators who are making a positive difference in schools throughout Australia (and beyond).

We’d like to introduce a few of those people, who we are proud to recommend.

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James Anderson is an Australian-based international speaker, author and educator who is passionate about helping fellow educators develop students as better learners.

Originally a teacher and school leader, for the past 20 years, James has been working with schools to make classrooms more thoughtful places. He challenges teachers to think deeply about their own Mindsets and how their beliefs are communicated to students in often subtle and unintended ways.

James’s work combines Growth Mindset with Habits of Mind and Practice to create Learning Agility. He puts the growth back into Growth Mindset! And, through creating and describing the Mindset Continuum, he provides the cornerstone for effective Growth Mindset interventions.

Details about James and Mindful by Design can be found at www.mindfulbydesign.com/

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As a teacher for more than 20 years, Daniela knows exactly what it is like to run like a headless chook for 10 weeks only to end up with the flu in the holidays. As a result, she made it her mission to find a better way. Teacher Wellbeing is that way.

Teacher Wellbeing works with schools to embed realistic and practical wellbeing initiatives with school staff. Her workshops include evidence-based strategies to reduce teacher stress, build resilience, engagement and psychological capacity.

She has been labelled the “Keep-It-Real” teacher because of her passion and energy and she is committed to helping teachers realise there is another way.

Details about Daniela and Teacher Wellbeing can be found at www.teacher-wellbeing.com.au/

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Steve understands the challenges and demands of being a Principal. He has been the Principal at a number of schools from a one-teacher school through to a large metropolitan school in Queensland and an international school in Hong Kong. Steve has been a leading educator and Principal for 20 years having led schools in Queensland, Australia and Hong Kong. He currently works with a range of schools and corporate clients.

Steve developed the Happy School program in response to concerns about the rising level of teacher stress and the effect poor staff morale was having on student learning. His Master’s research focused on Teacher Stress. The Happy School articles are written by Steve and a range of other experts who work with schools.

Details about Steve and Happy Schools can be found at www.happyschool.com.au/