Step 1: Identifying trips
Check the calendar 3 weeks ahead to look through workshop locations. Easiest flag is the location code at the front of the workshop title, as seen here for Rockhampton (ROK).
BNE = Brisbane
SYD = Sydney
MEL = Melbourne
Any other code may require travel
WEB = Online workshop
Step 2: Identifying arrival time for first workshop
Check the start time for Session 1 of the first workshop. This is to know what time we need to arrive, keep in mind UPP’s arrival time is 45 minutes prior to the session commencing.
Step 3: Identifying workshop location
Check the location of the venue for the workshop (event address), not just the location of the school as workshops can be off campus from where the school is located at times.
Step 4: Identifying the facilitators / departure location
Check who is needing to fly (team members) and where they are flying from (same location, different location)
Step 5: Identifying the required travel time
Check the distance from the airport to the venue of first workshop.
Add arrival time in Google Maps to get the most accurate reading on potential traffic.
Step 6: Identifying if the team will need a hire car
A hire car is necessary for any trip that is more than 1 day
A hire car is necessary if it will be drastically cheaper than a taxi on a FIFO same day trip
Natasha can advise on this if needed.
Step 7: Identifying best flights to destination of workshops
Begin looking for flights on Google Flights for the morning of the workshop. Search the following:
Eg. BNE to ROK on 17/8 - 18/8
Rule here is to allow 30 minutes for the team at the airport to get off the plane, collect bags, and if necessary pick up a hire car before leaving the airport. Add this 30 minutes to the time it will take to travel from the airport to the venue to identify whether a morning flight is permissible.
If there is no morning flight at all or not one that will make it possible for the team to arrive on time then begin looking for flights the night before. Things to consider here first are;
Are the facilitators in school the day prior?
If so, what location are the facilitators working the day prior
What time will the facilitator be departing that venue location?
Final session finish time + 25 minutes
What is the required travel time from the location of workshop to the airport / home base
Preferred rule for flying the night prior to a workshop is that the flight is arriving no later than 10pm.
Step 8: Identifying best return flights
Follow a similar process to the last step while also considering:
Departure time from venue of last workshop
The finishing time of the last workshop + 25 minutes for pack up, etc.
Travel time from venue of workshop to airport (ensure traffic is considered)
Arriving at airport 1 hour prior to departure time of flight
Search for flights the same way as earlier
Step 9: Identifying requirements for accommodation
Requirement of accommodation
General rules for accommodation:
2 male facilitators = 1 twin room
1 male facilitator / 1 female facilitator = 1 room per person
2 female facilitators = 1 twin room
These rules are not always black and white as other factors can at times come into play. Check with HOO if unsure.
Location of accommodation
To determine the best location for accommodating the team for the trip follow these steps:
Location of the workshops will mainly determine the location of chosen accommodation (close to the venues of the workshops for the trip)
Determine whether it is best to stay in the same accommodation for the duration of the trip, or whether you will need different accommodation at different points throughout the trip
For example, if a workshop is a far enough drive from chosen location of accommodation (usually <1.5-2 hrs) then it may be worth accommodating the team closer to that venue for however many nights that are needed. Discretion used here.
When possible ensure that location of accommodation is close to necessities
Consider supermarkets, restaurants, etc.
If unsure of the exact location for accommodation (name of hotel / motel, etc.) Natasha (travel agent) will usually be able to recommend accommodation based on history, budgeting, etc.
Step 10: Identifying luggage requirements
Ensure that our team have the required amount of luggage:
Suitcase per facilitator
Equipment needed will determine how much extra baggage will be required. General rules for luggage:
Equip Leadership / ASPIRE Higher bookings = 1 suitcase required
Equip 2 / ASPIRE 2 = 1 suitcase required
Stronger Connections / PPR / Step Up / THRIVE = half suitcase required
Check student numbers to determine whether more or less luggage is required
These rules are a grey area as small bookings may require more or less equipment based on student numbers
Step 11: Drafting an email to travel agent
Send all details to Natasha, our travel agent, in one easy to follow email by using the template below.
When completing the template fill in the BOLD sections accordingly.
CC: Admin Assistant, Service Assistant, HOO
Eg. ROK Travel 17/8
Hi Natasha,
Could you please organise the following travel to Location of trip on Departure Date:
Flight Details:
Flying Name of facilitators from Departing Location to Destination on DATE - Add desired flight here
Flying Name of facilitators from Departing Location to Destination on DATE - Add desired flight here
Amount of rooms required and type of room in Location of accommodation for duration of the trip
Hire Car:
In SF’s name for the duration of the trip
For Name of facilitators for the duration of the trip
Extra baggage:
Please add number of extra bags required in SF's name
Please draft this up and send it through for approval when you can.
Step 12: Peruse proposed travel plans
Ensure that all details are correct. Attention to detail is crucial. Look over and ensure the following are correct:
Facilitators on trip
Departure date and time
Requirements are correct
Dates are correct
Location is suitable
Do we need multiple accommodation locations?
Hire car is added (if applicable)
Return flight - date and time
Ensure there is plenty of time for team to make the flight after the final session has concluded
If the details need correcting, promptly let Natasha know exactly what needs to be amended.
If the details are correct, let Natasha know that we are good to proceed with this.
Until advised otherwise wait for HOO approval for this
Ask for Natasha to add the details to the calendar once it is locked in.
Once approved, Natasha creates an event in the calendar and invites the the travellers, OL, HOT, and the admin team (both SA and AA). The calendar event should include a full copy of the itinerary and any extra documents or instructions that need to be filed.
Natasha to email invoices to SA who will file a copy in the Google drive / Travel folder so they can be accessed by AA when invoicing is done.
Step 13: Check in with team members travelling
One week prior to the team travelling check in with them to ensure:
They have received the calendar invite and the travel details
They understand all (clarity and commitment)
If the team has not received their travel details, reach out to travel agent and kindly ask for these details to be added to the facilitators calendar. You are able to share the itinerary (document that the travel agent has shared with you as a proposal) so the facilitators are aware of the details and can plan accordingly.