• This folder has all of the resources and plans for all of the UPP Cup events in 2022 and 2023: UPP Cup Events.

  • Refer to one of the previous UPP Cup plans to use as the template for future events. Eg. Here is the plan for the UPP Cup - July 2023.

Some foundational ideas about the UPP Cup

  • Everything you plan for with this has one purpose: provide an opportunity for building positive UPP culture within our team. Make it fun. Friendly competition obviously helps with this! I’d encourage you to always include the ASPIRE framework.

  • What has been done in the past has been great, but that doesn’t mean it should stay the same as it has been. Be creative! Generally, for continued engagement, try to have at least one or two new points of difference to each UPP Cup if possible. ie. A new activity, new way of scoring, new way of grouping, different numbers within groups, new surprises, etc. How you do that is up to you!

  • 4 activities is usually the right amount of time: This will usually take about 45min’s - 1 hour, which is a good amount of time. Too much more and it may feel like it is dragging on.

  • For refereeing:
    - State very clearly at the start that you have the final say on EVERYTHING.
    - If there is one person left out in terms of grouping numbers: have one different person help referee each activity with you (See the January 2023 UPP Cup plan for an example of this).

Process for creating an upp cup event

  1. Begin the following process from Weeks 5/6 of Terms 2 and 4 - Once you have begun the Team Intensive planning with Luke and Cody.

  2. Start brainstorming which activities you’d like to do: Refer to previous years for ideas. Add new ones if you’d like.
    - FYI: Luke has the Taboo game. Ask him to bring it if you’d like to do that activity.

  3. Find out how many participants there will be: Adjust activities or group sizes or refereeing as you see fit.

  4. Ensure that you contact the previous UPP Cup winner and get them to bring the trophy cup with them.

  5. Luke has 2 small, portable whiteboards to use. Ask him to bring them if you need them for Tally points, any activities, etc.

  6. Create a template of the entire plan:
    - Start of Event Briefing to everyone: Explain overall ‘Rules’ and any necessary info to share.
    - Activities (Just like an UPP workshop, start with a lower barrier of entry activity, then build into more difficult/involved activities).
    - How will you give points? (IDEA: give more points as the activities go on - this will hopefully mean that when activity 4 starts, there could still be multiple overall winners). See previous years for eg’s of this.
    - How will you tally points throughout? Will you stop showing the tally board after activity 2 or 3 to build some suspense??

  7. When facilitating this, obviously have fun! But also make sure you keep things moving efficiently. At night time after a full day of learning, we can all get sidetracked pretty easily..! Keep it moving to keep up the engagement.

Future ideas/improvements for UPP Cup

  • Do an activity in groups of three or four. Could be some sort of performance or role-play. Judging may be subjective.

  • Add other activities throughout the day to the UPP Cup points tally (Eg. At Lawn Bowls - Do one big everybody versus everybody game at lawn bowls and add the placing points).

  • Cycle through previous UPP Cup activities from previous events to avoid using the exact same activities as last time.

  • Random activity idea that could be created and done (Quinton’s idea): teams have to do a bunch of the little things that we as UPP facilitators have to do in this job that aren’t the main things, but are everyday little things. Eg’s = carrying a broken suitcase, finding a school, finding a car park, fixing equipment/finding the broken piece of the puzzle, setting up chairs, tech problems, etc. Have a couple of these things back to back to be done or just have one of these things and do a race/time trial as to which group can do it/them the quickest.