Future Training Ideas
An idea from cody that is worth writing down to remember!
TRAINING IDEA: Random idea for next team training:
Reason: Bit of fun, learning techniques, retention of content, pitch perfect practice, active engagement and participation
Rationale: "When you learn with the intention of teaching on the subject you tend to learn more effectively"
Idea: At the beginning of training the team is shared the rationale, and encourage to learn through sessions with the intention of teaching on the subjects... Give team reflection and review time at the end of each session / day to review notes and retain information. Team is primed at the beginning of the training of the task.
Task: Each facilitator (maybe in small breakout groups) picking at random (out of a bag?) a topic that has been a focus / subject throughout training and been given 5 minutes to prepare a short (90 second? 2 minute?) talk on the topic randomly chosen.