In week 2 of term look ahead to organise a Senior Facilitator team meeting.
To do so, Identify the best date for SF Meeting for the upcoming term by looking through the calendar and finding a date that is:
Halfway through the term (preferably week 5, but 4-6)
Midweek (Mon - Thurs)
Usually an evening (unless there happens to be no workshops booked at all)
No one is on a flight (or potentially on a flight) that night
Suitable for team leaders (if team leaders cannot be there then the team is not getting as much value out of the time spent together as we want for them).
Once you have identified the best date, and checked with team leaders to ensure it suits, then create an event in the Google Calendar by using an UPP Gmail account as this will ensure the meeting does not have a time limit. Once the calendar event has been created, share the below email with all planned attendees (SF’s):
Hi team,
As you can see I have just created a calendar invite for our quarterly SF team meeting. The meeting is on DAY AND DATE, starting at STARTING TIME and should be finishing up by PLANNED FINISH TIME. Please accept this calendar invite when you see this to confirm you will be with us.
A draft agenda will be coming out closer to the meeting, however if there is anything you feel could be beneficial to add to this please reach out.
Thanks and talk soon team,
Once the above email has been sent it is time to begin drafting the Meeting Agenda.
Make a copy of the below document and fill it out to suit each individual Senior Facilitator Meeting:
SF Meeting Agenda Template - Things to adapt:
Name of attendees, apologies and minute taker
Any other adjustments that may be individual to that induction
Once the template is adjusted accordingly send to all team leaders and ask for input on anything that may be beneficial for the team to be added. These may include but are not limited to:
Review of actions from last meeting
Reflections from previous trainings / meetings
Team updates
Program / workshop updates (updated best practices?)
System updates
Short PD segments
Team sharing of learnings / experiences
Team shoutouts
Upcoming information (trainings, meetings, team, workshops, etc.)
Once an agenda has been set, send this to the team 24-48 hours ahead of the meeting with a reminder (fill in BOLD sections):
Hi team,
I hope the week is going well!
Please see the agenda for our upcoming SF Meeting this DAY OF WEEK.
We look forward to seeing you all at START TIME OF MEETING. Let’s enjoy this time together!
Thanks and talk soon,