wellbeing is linked to success in every domain in our lives, including marriage, friendship, careers, businesses, creativity and health (Lyubomirsky, King, & Diener, 2005)
Students with high wellbeing tend to gain higher grades and have lower rates of absence (Suldo, Thalji, & Ferron, 2011)
Learning objectives
By the end of this lesson, learners should:
compare and contrast happiness and wellbeing
link their wellbeing to performance
PART 2- watch clip, reflect, discuss, venn diagram- (15 MINUTES)
The Happiness Advantage is based upon Shawn's research in 40 countries on how happiness raises business and educational outcomes.
DISCUSS: What is happiness? What is success?
Students are to complete the following in their workbooks.
- Complete the VENN diagram in your workbook for happiness and success.
- Happiness and success are related- which comes first?
DISCUSS: Teacher facilitates sharing of student workbook responses, and then poses the question- How might happiness and success impact each other?
Instructions: divide students into pairs or small teams. Display the scattegories list below for students. Teacher chooses any letter A-Z. Students must then fill every category with an appropriate word that starts with the chosen letter. 4 minutes maximum work time. Once complete, invite teams to mark the work of another team and declare a winner (first group completely finished, or group with most answers at the end).
Teachers note: the purpose of the activity is to encourage engagement, group work, thinking creatively and having fun. Use your own discretion as to whether you would like to leave this until the end of the lesson or keep it placed here to allow for a change of pace.
1. A boy's name
2. A City
3. Things that are cold
4. School Supplies
5. Pro Sports Teams
6. Insects
7. Breakfast foods
8. Furniture
9. TV Shows
10. Things that are found in the ocean
11. Words with a double letter
12. Product Names
PART 4- read, respond, discuss- (15 MINUTES)
Students are to read this article "Wellbeing and Performance".
Then, reflecting on Part 2βs you tube clip and the above article, respond to and discuss the following:
What is wellbeing?
How could wellbeing lead to higher achievement?