People who are gritty are more resilient in the face of adversity, they bounce back after failure and disappointment, and they persist when progress is slow, boring, tedious or difficult.
Gritty individuals are distinguished by their propensity to maintain “effort and interest over years despite failure, adversity and plateaus in progress” (Duckworth, 2007).
Learning objectives
By the end of this lesson, learners should:
understand what grit is
link grit to their own performance
PART 2- (10-15 MINUTES)
As a class, DISCUSS: Grit- what is it?
Student workbook:
Grit- what is it? What does Angela Duckworth tell us about grit and achievement?
Divide a sheet of regular A4 paper into 8 even sized rectangles.
The aim is to rip the piece of paper gently to make it into the longest, single piece of paper possible.
Current record with 1/8 of an A4 page: Natasha H - 178 cm, St John Fisher College, Bracken Ridge; Ella K - 177cm and Sienna M - 176cm, Year 7, St Brigid’s Catholic College, Lake Munmorah
Alternative (with minties wrappers): 154cm by Cassidy H, Form 11A Kingaroy State High School, September 2019.
Teachers, please email UPP if you would like to record a new record.
PART 4- (10-15 minutes)
How does grit relate to your success? How do mistakes and struggles contribute to learning? Do you think the paper ripping challenge required grit? Justify why / why not?
There are times when leaders need to be gritty. Quite often, our school leaders are over-committed. They are typically committed to their studies and their extra-curricular activities. In addition, they have been bestowed with a leadership position and usually have a "big heart" for helping out others, and the community. Sometimes, these students are going to need grit to "stick with it". They have made commitments that they need to uphold. However, there are times when these students need to learn to say "no". They need to protect their time, so that they can direct their energy and effort where it needs to go. It's a little bit about balance, and it's a little more about priorities. After all- "there are 100's of things that can make us busy as a leader, but there are only a handful that will make a difference" (Luke McKenna). Leaders should focus on the contribution or impact that their actions will make- the QUALITY of their actions, more than the QUANTITY of actions taken. If they have set their priorities. then they can be gritty in those areas that are going to make a positive difference- to themselves and to the people around them. It is not an easy task for school aged students, but it will help them in later life. That is part of the joy, burden, service and challenge of leadership.