Greetings and welcome to the next mile in your UPP journey. Congratulations on making it this far. Many people have now been excluded from the process, so you are now part of a select group.

Below is an outline of how you can continue to move forward with your application.

The role

Please see the Job Description here. You will notice that as UPP’s Service Assistant (see the bottom of page 2), you will be required to work under the direction of our Head of Service, and alongside our Administrative Assistant (page 3).

The role will require a large commitment from you, in order to fully understand and manage our processes and communication with our customers and team. You will be required every weekday, for approximately 4 hours per day, although this workload will vary. All hours will be logged through UpWork. The hours will need to occur daily between 8am-2pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. If this is not your main client, this role probably will not be a good fit for you.

There will be an intensive training period for you to learn the role. You will be the central contact point for our customers. We have a high performing team and customers who pay a handsome some for our services. This role is not for everybody.

Possible next steps

If, after watching the video below and considering this information, you feel our values and our futures are not aligned, no problem!  We understand we may have different paths to follow.  Please just let us know. 

If, however, our vision and work resonate with you, please continue on to the interview process by previewing our values video and submitting the required documentation in a timely fashion. We welcome your continued

Our Values

In order to consider if this is the right role for you, we ask that you review the following information prior to submitting your documentation.

Your application

After reviewing the above information, if you choose to further pursue this role, in order to be considered, please download the document at the red button and follow all of the instructions listed at the top. We look forward to receiving your submission.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

All the best for a bright future.


Luke and the team at Unleashing Personal Potential