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CC: HOT, Director, Coach
Subject Line: Induction Follow Up - RECIPIENT FIRST AND LAST NAME
Thanks for your time during the induction. It was great getting to know you better and seeing how passionate you are for the journey ahead.
Below is some information to reiterate and build on what was said throughout that process, in particular to run you through and clarify Mile 4 in more detail ahead of your next meeting with your coach. You can review the details regarding Mile 4 on our Team Training Page here.
As was said, Mile 4 is all about Tier 1 content across our 4 most popular programs; ASPIRE HIGHER, ASPIRE 2, POSITIVE PEER RELATIONSHIPS & STEP UP.
NAME OF COACH will let you know what to work on each week. However, you can find the Content Tiers by clicking here. Your first coaching call with NAME OF COACH will be on DAY AND DATE OF FIRST COACHING MEETING which I have just invited you to. For this first coaching session please prepare the following:
As you go through the process of learning Tier 1 content it is important to use the variety of resources you have available to you (particularly playbooks and videos). One is not more important than the other and they work best when used in conjunction with each other. These are explained in more detail below:
1. The Playbooks are the first step in learning What to say. This is where you will find your basic script with corresponding steps of how to run any part of the program. This is the foundation of each program and will be an essential first step to running Mile 4.
2. Our Training Videos are there to help you take your facilitation to the next level. This is where you take what you have learnt from the Playbook (What to say), and incorporate the How into your presenting. Your coach will discuss this further with you.
I encourage you, for now, to please stick to what you see in the playbook and videos available to you. Avoid adding any extra bits and pieces that you feel could be beneficial- there will be time for this later. From our experience we have found that by sticking to what is there first (in the playbook and videos), learning can happen at a faster rate. I encourage you to have a beginner’s mind and you should thrive.
The more time you spend learning the What (from the playbook) on your own, the more your coach can help you with the How side of things (which is what really makes us exceptional).
If you have any further questions do not hesitate to reach out to myself or COACHES NAME, we are here to serve you in any way we can.
Good luck with your next steps in the coaching process, and enjoy them!