““Dynamic, powerful, engaging, relevant.””
AVAILABLE FROM SEPTEMBER 2019-DECEMBER 2019. Limited dates available.
IMPACT SESSIONS are engaging, interactive presentations delivered by UPP at your school, focusing on just one topic for a short session (between 45-90 minutes). Through our WELLBEING AND LEADERSHIP IMPACT SESSIONS, we bring to your school the best research from psychology, neuroscience and education, and combine it with pedagogy that engages young people and inspires action.
UPP will impact 38,000+ students this year, and are now expanding their reach and impact to Ireland. Limited dates are available from September-December, 2019 for UPP Team Leader Peter McAuliffe to work with your students.
GROWTH MINDSET AND NEUROPLASTICITY- understanding the remarkable power of the human brain, neuroplasticity and assessing our own mindsets.
GRIT- using an evidence based goal setting process (T.O.P.) and learning from famous failures in order to foster perseverance and passion toward our goals.
MATES THAT COUNT- focusing on "rising by lifting others" and active listening, in order to build authentic friendships.
AN INTRODUCTION TO WELLBEING WITH PERMAH- outlining 6 elements of wellbeing and discovering ways to enhance our own wellbeing.
LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE- Everyday Leadership by example, service and action. Best suited to a whole cohort of year 11 students.
DIFFERENT LEADERSHIP STRENGTHS- 3 Types of Leaders (prophet, planner, people). Helping to understanding our strengths, and those of others in order to achieve synergy.
““Excellent presentation with the ability to engage students with relevant activities and useful information.” ”
““Great presentation. Excellent variety between theory and activity. Engaging and relevant.””
“Fantastic program. Excellent to see all students actively participating. Students were highly engaged and had a lot to take away.”
““Great presence and inspiring content led to high student engagement throughout.””
““We were extremely impressed with the presentation. The students were highly engaged and I felt that the session was a valuable one with a message that the students needed to hear. I don’t think it would hurt for the whole school to hear a similar message delivered that well every term. A great presentation. I was in agreement with all points. It was one of the most significant moments of the year. Empathy, consideration, social skills, emotional intelligence. I loved it! He was a character I could relate to.” ”
““Great job, engaging, interesting and expertly managed session.” ”
The IMPACT SESSIONS are highly engaging, relevant and interactive for students. They are delivered by Unleashing Personal Potential at your school (in your school hall, or similar), and can usually be tailored to fit in with your regular bell times. All of the IMPACT SESSIONS use a learning, action, reflection process to engage Secondary School students. Ideally, the staff who supervise the IMPACT SESSIONS are those who have a continued interest or responsibility for the wellbeing / learning / development of the cohort. Ideally, they will be the form / core teachers who will be delivering the follow-up material to the students.
Some schools opt for a WHOLE SCHOOL IMPACT DAY- this involves the UPP team running short IMPACT SESSIONS with multiple year levels on the same day.
The investment for an IMPACT SESSION is €5/student (minimum investment of €500/day).
Each IMPACT SESSION includes:
an exceptional incursion for your students, delivered at your school by Peter McAuliffe
high quality follow-up lessons plans to ensure the messages have a lasting impact
“Great experience for students- fun and educational- the best combination for learners to be immersed. Awesome delivery by our presenters.”
““Dynamic, highly engaging, relevant and meaningful to our students and staff. I highly recommend Luke and the UPP team.””