1. Luke to send the below email template (with relevant changes)

  2. Luke and Marra to remove person from relevant groups and access to places and calendar invites as per below.


Subject Line: Exit questions and process

Hey Kim,

It's a shame you need to leave UPP. You've made an awesome impression in your time here. But I know you will do well with the next steps abroad!

The following questions are part of our regular way of seeking feedback from team members upon their departure. There may be some other comments you may wish to leave us that will help us improve.

Do you mind sending your answers to the following back to me?

Recommendations to UPP

Where do you think we can improve? (Incursions, training process, recruitment, travel systems, team culture, the way we do things, the programs we use, school contact)

Commendations to UPP

What do you think we are doing well and should keep striving for excellence in? (Incursions, training process, recruitment, travel systems, team culture, the way we do things, the programs we use, school contact)

Feedback for key people

You know we love feedback. Could you please provide feedback for some key people on the team regarding their leadership and professionalism? Please provide a few WWW's or EBI's for each person or alternatively use 3-5 adjectives you could use to describe each person. Be respectful, but you are encouraged to be constructive for their own development. (These answers help us continue to grow these people, but they won't be attributed to you. Your responses will remain confidential).

Please provide feedback for:

- your Coach (Becky)

- your Head of Team (Cody)

What will you tell people about UPP? 

(This is to help us better understand who we are in the eyes of people in our industry)

In addition to providing your feedback do you mind helping me with the following too:

1.  Returning all items

The easiest way will be for you to arrange to drop all UPP equipment back including playbooks, USB’s, shirts, etc.  Can you please arrange to return any of these items to your coach or Head of Team ASAP?

2. Removing intellectual property

Can you please also remove all UPP documentation from your laptop and undertake not to utilise any UPP materials going forward and confirm you have done so by return email?

If you have any questions about any of this, please give me a buzz.  I'm happy to step through it with you.


Luke McKenna


  • Luke to Removing access from the team google drive (UPP team internal; possibly Core team folder).

  • Luke to Remove from FB groups, NPS email, and team training or meeting invites.

  • Cody to Remove team member from Volopay / Cancel cards that the exiting team member has access to. 

  • Marra to remove from pay slip due and pay day invites.

  • Marra to remove Biography and photo from the website and remove from Team Member Contact Details document.
