Quarterly Performance Reflection/Focus (QPR/F) Process
on this page:
Quarterly Performance Reflections/Focuses:
Process for completing the QPR/F’s
Mid Term and End of Term check-ins
Creating new QPR/F documents
When to prepare them
Email template
Team QPR/F Summary
UPP Values Reflection Document
Quarterly Performance Reflections/Focuses
Process for completing the QPR/F’s
Each team member will complete all sections of their QPR/F document.
Usually, the team will be instructed to complete this in the afternoon following a OTT training meeting (which usually happen in the morning).
Before the end of the OTT meeting, the team member needs to book a QPR/F coaching meeting with their coach in the afternoon of that day (If that’s not possible, they are to have this meeting ASAP following that).
Coach and facilitator are to discuss the answers and the focuses for the term. Coach to consider the following:
Any areas of concern within the facilitator’s self-rating: how can you provide support with this area?
Are the focuses SMART goals? If not, change them to make sure they are.
Are the focuses realistic and an appropriate level of challenge? ie. Not too much, not too little.
Coach and facilitator to sign the document.
Mid term & end of term QPR/F check ins
A mid-Term check in (Weeks 5/6) should happen with coaches and facilitators to discuss where they are in regards to their term focuses.
Make adjustments and support as needed.
An end-of-Term check in (Weeks 9/10) and reflection should happen with coaches and facilitators to discuss how they went with their focuses for the term.
Validate and celebrate successes.
Discuss learnings from successes and areas that were not completed.
Creating new QPR/F documents
Make a new Term folder in the relevant year within the QPR/F folder in the UPP google drive.
You are naming the folder in regards to the Term that the team are preparing for with this QPR/F. ie. If completing this QPR/F’s at the start of Term 4 - name the folder ‘Term 4.’
Copy and paste the template QPR/F document into the new Term folder.
Copy and paste it enough times for all of our current team members when duplicating template.
Rename each QPR/F’s with each facilitator’s name (eg. “CODY - Quarterly Performance Reflection & Focus”).
When to prepare them
Prepare the new folder in Week 9-11 of the previous term.
At this time, discuss with Luke and Cody if any changes should be made to the template documents.
Email template
Sent by HOT or LL
The QPR/F information and link will usually be sent out with the OTT meeting email (Find these in the ‘Agendas - Team Training/Intensives & Meetings’ page).
These emails could look like this:
Hey team!Hope everyone has had an awesome break! Here’s some info for our On The Tools online training day on [Insert Day/date]:
Firstly, please find the meeting agenda attached. Also, you will see that you have been invited to another Google Meets calendar meeting for it, named “UPP Team On The Tools Training – Meeting Link.” Please accept this, as it has the meeting link that we will use. The following is the correct link that we will use:
[Insert Google Meets info and link]
During the meeting we will discuss our Quarterly Performance Reflection/Focuses. The following is the link you can use to find your QPR/F for this term (Found in the ‘Performance Reflection’ folder on our UPP Team Internal Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1blNF-SDgusbtHu1vS4NkqlwsMFtvpg0H
As always, please hit me up with any questions. Looking forward to seeing you all then!
Team QPR/F summary
At the start of Week 1 of the Term: The Learning Leader is to create a new Team QPR/F Summary document that is only to be shared with Luke and Cody (and any other team leaders).
Email this link to Luke and Cody and any other regional heads of coaches.
Once all QPR/F’s and coaching calls have been completed: The regional coaches who oversee each region are to copy and paste their facilitators’ QPR/F focuses into the document and write their thoughts for this facilitator. Consider the following:
WWW/EBI of the focuses
Subjective assessment of how the facilitator is going
Areas of support needed for the facilitator moving forward.
Here is an example of this document.
This document is to be saved in the relevant year within this folder.
To create a new Team QPR/F Summary document:
Copy and paste a previous QPR/F Summary document, keep the structure headings, but delete the personal information and adjust it to have the correct facilitators’ names.
This document should be completed by the regional heads of coaches by the end of Week 1 of the Term.
This can then be discussed at the Week 2 Tuesday afternoon meeting with Luke and Cody.
Upp values reflection document
This is an additional tool/activity to the QPR/F’s.
As of the end of Term 3, 2023: This has been updated and Luke and Cody have decided to trial this to use it alongside the QPR/F’s at the Term 4 OTT training.
In future - Discuss this as how and when to use it with Luke and Cody.